PVED is writing a book all about Egg Donation – Come Help!
Hey everyone – I hope we are all having a “No tears Tuesday” and being good to ourselves.
So it’s happening! It’s happening!
Finally after a really long time the commitment has been made to write that book we have all been waiting for –A book about egg donation, personal stories, how to talk to our kids, when it doesn’t work, grieving the loss of our genetics, when to decide enough it enough — and much much more.
Here is your opportunity to help someone else by telling your own story.
We are in need of personal stories from individuals all over the globe who are either looking to be parents via egg donation and or surrogacy, who are cycling, pregnant, or who are parenting.
You can contribute with your name, with a made up name, or completely anonymous — it’s entirely up to you.
If this is something that you would like to contribute to please email:
marna@pved.org with the words : Book Project in the subject line and we will mail you out our questionnaire.
We are so excited about this — it’s been a long time coming and we hope you are too!