February 2012

anonymous egg donation children conversations about disclosure elizabeth marquardt mothers

Of Course Mother’s Matter – We matter

By on February 20, 2012

Elizabeth Marquardt – I am calling you out. This is from one mother to another:I read your latest article “Do Mothers Matter” and I am left with…

anonymous egg donation children conversations about disclosure elizabeth marquardt mothers

Of Course Mother’s Matter – We matter

By on February 20, 2012

Elizabeth Marquardt – I am calling you out. This is from one mother to another:I read your latest article “Do Mothers Matter” and I am left with…

anonymous egg donation fertility clinics infertility menopause SART statistics

SART Statistics are just spring board – a place to start

By on February 17, 2012

With the SART statistics recently published there’s been lots of rumblings about some of our beloved clinics and their success rates taking a hit for 2010. I think…

anonymous egg donation fertility clinics infertility menopause SART statistics

SART Statistics are just spring board – a place to start

By on February 17, 2012

With the SART statistics recently published there’s been lots of rumblings about some of our beloved clinics and their success rates taking a hit for 2010. I think…


This One’s For The Guys…

By on February 10, 2012

What’s the most embarrassing part about infertility?  For women it’s pretty much all of it – the stirrups, the ultrasound probes, the embryo transfers on a full bladder, the…

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