June 2009

CNN Debbie Rowe egg donation fathers Larry King Live media frenzy Michae Jackson Death Michael Jackson mothers Nancy Grace People Magazine sperm donation TMZ US Weekly

There Are Lines That You Do Not Cross

By on June 30, 2009

The frenzy over the death of Michael Jackson is mind blowing – the question about his children’s genetics, incredibly distasteful.Nancy Grace, Larry King, TMZ, US Weekly, People Magazine –…

Dr. John Hesla egg donation IVF oregon reproductive medicine Suzanne Schlosberg

I Used an Egg Donor by: Suzanne Schlosberg

By on June 30, 2009

IVF? Adoption? These tools for becoming a parent are discussed openly. But using another woman’s eggs to get pregnant? It’s the new taboo.By: Suzanne Schlosberg My husband, Paul, and…

96 ounces a day bleeding in pregnancy premature labor water

96 Ounces of Water a Day — Help’s Keep the Contractions, Bleeding, and BP Issues at Bay…

By on June 29, 2009

When I was pregnant with my son in 2000 I experienced all kinds of issues regarding bleeding, premature contractions, and blood pressure.Every time I found myself in L &…

96 ounces a day bleeding in pregnancy premature labor water

96 Ounces of Water a Day — Help’s Keep the Contractions, Bleeding, and BP Issues at Bay…

By on June 29, 2009

When I was pregnant with my son in 2000 I experienced all kinds of issues regarding bleeding, premature contractions, and blood pressure.Every time I found myself in L &…

embryo donation frozen embryos The American Fertility Association

The Frozen Embryo Dilemma – A Matter of Privacy, Responsibility and Choice

By on June 18, 2009

The American Fertility Association published an amazing article about left over frozen embryos — this is a must read for everyone.It’s a private issue gone very public. It’s a…

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