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egg donation

Looking ahead…

By on June 12, 2018

I know for many of you – you are just starting out. The idea of even thinking about holding a baby seems far off and for some almost impossible.


disclosure egg donation sperm donation

Yes, you do owe it to your kids to tell them they were conceived via egg and or sperm donation.

By on January 11, 2018

I continue to get the same question over and over –

“ What is the importance of telling your child that they were conceived via a third-party reproduction. In a…

menopause moms via egg donation. motherhood after 40 older moms over fifty parenthood parenting parenting over 40 parents via egg donation patients pregnancy privacy talking to kids telling therapist verbiage women worry

Your Baby Is Not A Compromise

By on July 2, 2014

Note from PVED Founder, Marna Gatlin: “What I love about the women of our community is they are strong, passionate — and point on in regards to their thoughts.”


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