Meet The Twiblings
This is probably one of the longest articles I have ever read, and I devoured every single delicious word. I hands down loved this article. I have heard of Melanie Thernstrom she authored a book that I am sad to say I haven’t read yet about chronic pain titled “The Pain Chronicles” which I do need to read because I too suffer from chronic pain.
Anyhow back to the subject at hand — This article called Meet the Twiblings (published in the New York Times) was just simply beautiful, articulate, to the heart. Melanie just expressed my feelings in such a lovely lovely way. I think she spoke for many of us how we feel about third party reproduction — that my eyes and heart were just over flowing with love and gratitude as I read and nodded and read.
My only regret is that I will never know my son’s donor. It’s not in the cards for us and that makes me sad. However, it is what it is, we have an amazing child — and it doesn’t get much better than that.
The other part about this article that I loved so much was her quote about embracing transparency. It’s why it’s so important to be open about egg donation. It’s why I myself have embraced transparency.
Check out this article — it’s totally worth the read.